A story on getting lost and being found
Kanye is an artist. When he creates art, he is at his best. Forget all the fog and clouds, all the noise and distortions that veiled his core at disturbing times. Let them be forgiven as trials and errors.
When he created songs like “Never Let Me Down” I saw his connection to spirit, but when I heard “Yeezus” I thought he had fallen for the devil. Now that he released “The Life of Pedro”, I can witness both sides again. And I hope the light side of the force will take over eventually.
We all disconnect from our true spirit sometimes, but the only thing that matters is to reconnect. The only thing that is important is to keep the light on. Because there is no signal that is brighter. There is no art that is more inspiring. And uplifting it was to hear “Ultralight Beam” for the very first time.
Let this be a reminder to ourselves that we are here in this world to create, to shape, to rearrange, to mix, to mold. To create fresh great art no matter the form. Music, products, companies, poems, movies, books, buildings, gardens, cities, cafes, spaceships. Because they cut through the darkness of the universe.
We are here to explore, to find our way, to get better, stronger, deeper, clearer. And when we are clarity, we just have to get it out. We have to get out our dreams. Because all this here is all a dream. An ultralight beam.
And when we fall and when we fail, and make mistakes and lose our way, we can always start again. As long as we are here, in this universe, on this planet, in this world, that is our dream. To experience beauty, to create art, to share love. Until we wake up. Because then, in an ultralight beam, it is all over. But until then, we are here, we are free, we can do whatever we want.
So let’s get back to our business.
My business is art. Art is my business. What’s yours?
This story was published on Medium.