September 14, 2012

On inputs and outputs

“Good and bad luck comes to all; it’s how you plan and execute that determines your return on luck.” (Jim Collins)

Bad luck, creative destruction, or technological upheaval. Shakeouts, burnouts, or rain – screw them. True to the motto life is what you make it, greatness is in the outputs.

Output no. 1: A company’s performance: “Sustained returns on invested capital substantially in excess of other companies in its industry”

Output no. 2: A company’s impact: “People would miss the company if it went away. It could be something unique or different or innovative, or the distinctiveness could be in the execution – you do something so well that you’re irreplaceable.”

Output no. 3: A company’s endurance: “A truly great enterprise has the capacity to last beyond any product cycle, any founder, any individual leader, and still maintain superior performance and distinctive impact.”

Inspiration: The “Definition of a Great Company” by Jim Collins