“I’ve come back for you… to remind you of something. Something you once knew…” (Dom Cobb)
The truth that you had once known…
Make the Impossible Possible by Bill Strickland
The underlying of true outside results
“Do good, have fun, and the money will come.” (Richard Branson)
Back to business: The only true results are outside results. For a business that’s sales. And for selling you need goods or services. To create products for sale you need a team that executes; and in order to function, the team needs drive. People are driven by motivation. Motivation is fueled by energy. And the source of energy is love.
(The underlying could also be fear, but then it wouldn’t make fun.)
Knowledge is power
Patience without deactivation
When waiting for things to materialize, have patience. A sender needs a receiver, a message needs a response, and a question needs an answer. Supply meets demand halfway and you too should wait for the connection.
But don’t actively wait with passivity. When waiting for things to materialize, you can work on other things. And when waiting for other things to materialize, you can work on other things. Activate the new and wait for the old. With patience.
Two insights
1. Luck is an attitude
2. Happiness is a choice
Inspiration: Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware